Dancing Schools...
Dance school, dance studio and dance classes
Take dancing lessons, learn dancing and dancing schools around the world!
Learn dancing, take dancing lessons or simply enjoy an evening with dancing. This is our list of dancing schools and dancing studios all over the world. Please click the country of your choice to get information about dancing schools which are operating there.
Austria (166)
Dancing schools, dancing placesCuba (4)
Dancing lessons, dancing studiosEgypt (5)
Learn tango, viennese walz, samba...Georgia Republic (2)
Dancing schools, learn walz and cha-cha-cha!Germany (143)
Dancing lessons, learn boogie...Hungary (8)
Walz, Tango, Rumba, Dancing studiosIndia (4)
Dancing schools, dancing teachers, instructions in dancingItaly (13)
Dancing schools, dancing placesLiechtenstein (6)
Dancing lessons, dancing studiosMorocco (6)
Learn tango, viennese walz, samba...Nepal (1)
Dancing schools, learn walz and cha-cha-cha!Russia (1)
Dancing lessons, learn boogie...Sengal (2)
Walz, Tango, Rumba, Dancing studiosSpain (92)
Dancing schools, dancing teachers, instructions in dancingSweden (2)
Dancing schools, dancing placesUSA - United States of America (2149)
Dancing lessons, dancing studios
If the country of your choice is not listed, please be patient. We permanently add more and more regions of the world to our international dancing schools and dancing studios directory. If you have a proposal for a missing country and you know some dancing schools, dancing studios or facilities where people can learn dancing there, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
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